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Aviation bodies welcome RefuelEU initiative

The European Business Aviation Association (EBAA) and General Aviation Manufacturers Association (GAMA) have been encouraged by the newly published RefuelEU Aviation Initiative as it works towards advancing the production, availability and use of Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAF).
The initiative, published by the European Commission, is a key building block of the Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy.
This initiative is an essential policy tool designed to increase the uptake of SAF and support the delivery of the EU’s climate targets and the Business Aviation Commitment on Climate Change.
EBAA Secretary-General Athar Husain Khan said: “The RefuelEU Aviation Initiative lays the foundation for a strong partnership between policymakers and industry to deliver SAF as a key enabler of the European Green Deal objective to reduce transport-related emissions.”
GAMA senior vice president for European Affairs Kyle Martin added: “The general and business aviation industry is keenly focused on fulfilling its commitment to environmental sustainability. The increased use of SAF, as proposed in the RefuelEU Aviation Initiative, will further complement our manufacturers’ ongoing efforts to reduce aviation’s CO₂ emissions.”
Cross-industry partnerships are key to delivering EU-wide availability of SAF and driving down sectoral emissions at an accelerated pace. Additionally, business aviation is actively working with other partners to introduce a global and robust book and claim system that will help SAF progressively make its way into aircraft fuel tanks all over Europe.
With immediate prioritisation of advanced biofuels and increasing shares of synthetic fuels over time, SAF will become more competitive relative to conventional kerosene, in support of European Green Deal sustainability goals for aviation.
Both associations will be analysing and following the proposal closely, as it is reviewed and scrutinised by the European Parliament and European Council to assess the impact it has on their respective memberships and to ensure the final outcome is for the benefit of all Europeans and the environment.

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