Volume 3, Issue 7
Published: September 14, 2009
What is cooking in Brussels?
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Renewable Energy Directive Although the Renewable Energy Directive is now in place work does not stop there. The European institutions are working hard to fill the remaining gaps in the legislation and...
Legislation to push supply side economics for US biodiesel
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On 6 August two US Senators, one Democrat the other Republican, introduced legislation that would convert the $1 gallon (€0.61) credit for blending biodiesel into diesel fuel into a production credit...
Canada can count on canola
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Canada’s fi rst canolabased biodiesel Milligan Bio-Tech producer opened its 10 million litre-a-year fl agship optimisation facility in July in Saskatchewan province, as a fi rst step to ensuring the...
Ready and waiting
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In December 2006 the Canadian government announced that by 2010 it would require 5% average renewable content in petroleum by 2010 and signalled its intention to develop a similar requirement of 2% renewable...
Plant update - Canada
GIiven the vast open spaces allocated to corn and wheat farming in Canada, it may appear surprising that the Canadian biofuels industry is not larger. Ethanol production capacity in Canada currently stands...
Biodiesel's influence on operability
In the space of a decade biodiesel has turned from a virtually unknown product into a significant fuel on the market. After many years of research, process improvement and quality standardisation, it was...
One way to return to profitability
In July the European Biodiesel Board (EBB) reported that about half of EU biodiesel capacity is idle, and just two months before this the US National Biodiesel Board (NBB) had a similarly discouraging...
The Chinese invader
Imagine a plant which had all the ideal attributes of a second-generation biodiesel feedstock. Aside from producing huge quantities of oil, it would also be a hardy perennial, since perennial crops are...
A matter of refinement
Biorefineries are popping up all over the map. Geographically the more publicised facilities and research projects are situated in South and North America, home to the strongest ethanol markets in the...
From the lab to commercial trials
Based on an extensive series of site visits, surveys, and interviews with algae companies published in a new management study titled Algae 2020 from strategy consultancy Emerging Markets Online has determined...