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Dec 18, 2009
Canadian biomass plant gets funding
Other News
Dec 18, 2009
Envirotek’s Extreme Bio-Diesel facility in California, US, is now in full production after completing the first phase of its refinery expansion.
The plant is currently producing 4,000 gallons of biodiesel a day and plans to increase to 10,000 gallons a day by the end of the first quarter of 2010.
The plant’s expansion was expected to be completed by January 2010... [Read More]
Other News
Dec 22, 2009
The deal was done less than a month ago and now the plant Zenergy International acquired from Greenlight Biofuels is due to undergo expansion.
Capacity will double from 5 to 10 million gallons a year with Zenergy investing in an additional biofuel reactor with the potential to double profit.
The Littlefield, Texas, plant is situated on 40 acres of productive land and... [Read More]
Other News
Dec 22, 2009
Pigs might not fly, but chickens could.
Illinois, US-based Elevance Renewable Sciences plans to build a $15 million (€10.5 million) that will use plant oils and poultry fat to create jet fuel.
The project, funded in part by $2.5 million from the U.S. Department of Energy, could get the final go-ahead by late January.
Construction of the plant would create up to 50... [Read More]
Other News
Dec 22, 2009
Canada’s forest industry has been hit hard by the recession. Now increasing efforts could resurrect the industry as it branches out to renewable energy.
Dimethyl ether, or DME is a mixture of hydrogen and carbon monoxide that can be produced from biomass, natural gas or coal.
DME has the potential to replace diesel fuel because it produces 95% fewer greenhouse gases,... [Read More]
Other News
Dec 22, 2009
In the UK, Scottish Water Horizons, the commercial arm of Scottish Water, has received an anaerobic digestion tank that will turn food waste into energy at its Deerdykes Organics Recycling facility in Cumbernauld.
From Q2 next year, the £7 million (€7.83 million) food recycling unit will turn 30,000 tonnes of solid and liquid food waste into around 8,000 megawatts... [Read More]
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Dec 23, 2009
Sugarcane ethanol powerhouse Brazil might just have a whole new market to sweeten up. The South American nation is likely to take advantage of China’s agreement to lower the tariff on imports of ethanol to 5% from the previous 30%.
The Finance Ministry announced the new import tax for alcohol and other spirits denatured of any strength will be effective from 1 January... [Read More]
Other News
Dec 29, 2009
In Brazil Petrobras’ biofuels arm Petrobras Biocombustivel has acquired a 40.4% stake in Total Agroindustria Canavieira.
The $84 million (€58 million) move enables Petrobras Biocombustivel, originally a biodiesel producer, to enter the ethanol business.
Total runs an ethanol mill in the city of Bambui, in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil, with total capacity of... [Read More]
Other News
Dec 29, 2009
In Argentina, Ledesma has announced it will invest $37 million (€25.8 million) to produce ethanol from sugarcane.
The sum will enhance sugarcane cultivation, expand a distillery, and install a dehydrator to produce ethanol for the Argentine market.
The initiative is part of the $222 million investment package planned by the agro-industrial complex for 2008-2011.... [Read More]
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Dec 29, 2009
In Japan an affiliate of Toyota Motor corporation will grow jatropha to use its oil as an alternative fuel in 2010.
Toyota Tsusho is in negotiations with a Philippine banana plantation to introduce the non-edible feedstock. Toyota Tsusho bought a stake in Singapore-based seed researcher JOIL(S) this year to develop a better plant after erratic yields prompted BP and rivals... [Read More]
Other News
Dec 1, 2009
California’s eco-friendly city Santa Monica has launched a new recycling program to turn reused cooking oil into biofuel.
The city has joined forces with the Los Angeles based company GeoGreen in the hope of reducing greenhouse gas emissions, clogged sewer lines and the city’s dependence on fossil fuels.
The programme is mainly aimed at restaurants in the downtown... [Read More]
Other News
Dec 1, 2009
Canada’s railways could be run on animal fat, grease and oils if the biodiesel fuel can stand the harsh winters.
The Canadian government plans to bring about a 2% biofuel mandate in diesel by 2011. C$800,000 (€507,719) will be spent on a train trial that will blend 5% biofuel with diesel. The trial will run from November to March.
The tests will be the first of... [Read More]
Other News
Dec 1, 2009
UK ports are changing green at an alarmingly fast rate. The Ports of Tyne, Teesside, Talbot, Grangemouth and Tilbury are experiencing biomass and biofuel projects taking place on their shores.
Most recently on 25 November the Port of Tyne and green power station operator Drax Power signed an agreement to invest £16 million (€17.6 million) in handling and covered storage... [Read More]
Other News
Dec 1, 2009
Construction on a new biomass cogeneration facility has begun in the US.
US energy secretary Steven Chu broke ground at the opening of the $795 million (€526 million) biomass facility at Savannah River Site (SRS) in Georgia this week.
The new Biomass Cogeneration Facility will generate electricity and steam by burning more than 300 tonnes of wood and shredded tires... [Read More]
Other News
Dec 1, 2009
The global recession has hit wood chip sales due to a reduced demand for paper.
Global sales of wood chip fell by 26% during the first half of 2009 compared with the same period a year ago.
As a result of the fall in sales, volumes fell to 25 million tonnes, the lowest level since 2002.
The biggest market for wood chips is in Japan whose pulp mills account for 53... [Read More]