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Jan 23, 2015
Ghana biorefinery project utilises seaweed
Biodiesel News
Jan 26, 2015
Warrington's Stobart Group has signed a £110 million biofuel supply deal with a Welsh company.
In the agreement, Stobart Energy will source, process and supply 250,000 tonnes per year of recycled waste wood to Margam over 14 years.
The Transport business will also transport the product which will generate additional revenue for the company's Energy Division.
'This... [Read More]
Biodiesel News
Jan 26, 2015
Following an explosion at the JNS Biofuel plant a year ago, the rebuilt New Albany, Mississippi plant has received all the permits it needs to reopen.
However, state and local officials are unaware of when this will take place.
Danny Jordan, president, Union County Board of Supervisors, said: 'Our emergency management director keeps a good eye on what's going on, and MDEQ... [Read More]
Bioethanol News
Jan 26, 2015
Alkol Biotech has started shipment of its EUnergyCane sugarcane hybrid grown in Spain.
A Danish provider of cellulosic ethanol technologies, who has bought the product and will receive it as dry bagasse, will use the hybrid to test its technologies. Its target audience is the increasingly large cellulosic ethanol market in Brazil.
Al Costa, CEO, Alkol Biotech, says: 'There... [Read More]
Policy News
Jan 26, 2015
According to Renewable Energy, a new Market Report published by market intelligence provider, Key Note, the renewable energy industry in the UK achieved continued growth over the past 5 years, with consumption of renewable energy (including biofuels, biomass, wind, wave and tidal, hydro, transport, heat pumps, solar energy) increasing by 61% between 2009 and 2013.
Despite... [Read More]
Biodiesel News
Jan 26, 2015
UPM BioVerno, UPM's renewable wood-based diesel, has been granted the Finnish Key Flag Symbol. The Key Flag Symbol can be granted to products that are manufactured in Finland and have a domestic origin degree of over 50%.
UPM BioVerno diesel is produced only in Lappeenranta, Finland. The renewable diesel reduces greenhouse gas emissions compared to fossil diesel produced... [Read More]
Biodiesel News
Jan 29, 2015
Algenol and Reliance Industries have deployed India's first Algenol algae production platform.
The demonstration module is located near the world's largest refinery, Reliance Jamnagar Refinery.
The demonstration has completed several production cycles of Algenol's wildtype host algae, but may demonstrate the fuels production capabilities of Algenol's advanced fuel producing... [Read More]
Policy News
Jan 30, 2015
PIRA Energy Group, which specialises in global energy market research and intelligence, has released the World Biofuels Forecast, an analysis of the world market.
The paper states that world biofuels production is forecast to reach 42.6 billion gallons per year by 2025, with ethanol accounting for approximately three quarters of the output.
Ethanol is projected to account... [Read More]
Biodiesel News
Feb 2, 2015
Greenergy has acquired Harvest Biofuels' biodiesel manufacturing facility at Seal Sands on Teesside, England.
The acquisition gives Greenergy additional biodiesel production capacity with which to meet its own biofuel blending obligations under the UK's Renewable Transport Fuel Obligation.
Greenergy owns and operates an existing waste-based biodiesel facility at Immingham... [Read More]
Bioethanol News
Feb 2, 2015
Flint Hills Resources, a biofuels and chemicals company, has finalised the acquisition of an ethanol plant near Camilla, Georgia, from Southwest Georgia Ethanol.
Flint Hills Resources' biofuels business now includes seven ethanol plants with a combined annual capacity of 820 million gallons, a biodiesel plant and investments in biofuels technology and feedstock development.... [Read More]
Other News
Feb 2, 2015
A new study produced by US Forest Service scientists has found that Europe’s demand for wood pellets to generate renewable bioenergy will lead to a rise in US forestland as timber exports are on the up. EU policies and others around the world that require the use of renewable and low greenhouse gas-emitting energy is building demand for wood pellets used in... [Read More]
Bioethanol News
Feb 3, 2015
On 2 February, the Brazilian government agreed, along with ethanol producers, to increase the level of the sugar-based fuel in petrol.
From 15 February, all petrol sold in Brazil will be required to include at least 27% ethanol, a 2% increase from the current minimum of 25%. This level was agreed upon in a meeting between Aloizio Mercadante, presidential chief of staff,... [Read More]
Biodiesel News
Feb 3, 2015
The ASTM International's Aviation Turbine Fuel Standard (ASTM D1655) has been revised to safely adapt to the growing use of biodiesel used throughout the world.
For decades, D1655 has been used to ensure quality control and safe distribution of jet fuel takes places within the industry. Biodiesel blends – which have a small percentage of fatty acid methyl esters... [Read More]
Policy News
Feb 3, 2015
Barrack Obama has announced a $3.99 trillion (€3.5 trillion) budget to tackle climate change issues, with a specific focus on preventing global warming.
In its 2016 budget, the US government also wants to give $1.29 billion to advance its Global Climate Change Initiative, which includes $500 million for US contributions to the UN's Green Climate Fund, which is the... [Read More]
Bioethanol News
Feb 4, 2015
As a result of the continuing fall in crude oil and bioethanol prices, along with the weakening of the euro versus sterling, Associated British Foods (ABF) has decided to impair its investment in Vivergo Fuels, its wheat-fed bioethanol joint venture with BP and DuPont in the UK.
The interim results for the 24 weeks ending 28 February will include a non-cash exceptional... [Read More]