UPM gets ‘world’s first’ low ILUC certification
UPM Biofuels has received the ‘world’s first’ RSB (Roundtable of Sustainable Biomaterials) low ILUC (indirect land use change) risk certification.
Specifically, the RSB low ILUC risk certificate has been received for crude tall oil, the feedstock used at UPM BioVerno renewable fuels production at the Lappeenranta biorefinery in Finland.
The certification also covers UPM’s cultivation of the Brassica carinata crop in Uruguay. UPM received RSB sustainability certification for the Brassica carinata crop earlier this year, marking the first time an RSB certificate had been delivered in the South American country.
The recently issued low ILUC risk certification serves as additional proof of sustainability, showing the use of the two feedstocks in biofuel production has a low risk of causing indirect emissions elsewhere.
"The RSB is proud to count UPM among the visionary biofuel producers that are not only RSB certified for their wood-based biofuels in Lappeenranta, Finland and Brassica carinata cultivation in Uruguay, but have now received the world's first RSB low ILUC risk certification,” said Rolf Hogan, executive director of RSB.
“This shows that their biofuels have not only achieved the requirements of our rigorous standard for sustainability, they have also been verified under this module, meaning they have minimal or zero risk of indirect impacts - such as deforestation or increased food prices - elsewhere in the world.
“With reduced greenhouse gas emissions which meet the highest standards of sustainability and transparency, as well as demonstrating the lowest impacts on nature and food production, these are the biofuels of the future!"