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UK Government releases latest renewable fuel statistics

Renewable fuels in the UK fuel supply achieved an aggregated greenhouse gas (GHG) saving of 83% compared to fossil fuels, according the latest UK Government figures.
Accounting for emissions from indirect land-use change (ILUC) reduced this GHG saving to 78%.
This quarterly release covered the supply of renewable fuel in 2020, based on data available on 18 June 2021, which has been reported under the Renewable Transport Fuel Obligation (RTFO).
In 2020, 2,537 million litres equivalent of renewable fuel was supplied, which constitutes 6% of total road and non-road mobile machinery fuel for the year.
A total of 2,313 million litres equivalent (91%) has been verified so far under the Renewable Transport Fuel Obligation.
Of this 2,313 million litres equivalent, an average greenhouse gas (GHG) saving of 83% was achieved when compared to fossil fuel use. This dropped to 78% when indirect land-use change (ILUC) was accounted for.
A total of 13% of all verified renewable fuel supplied to the UK in this period was produced from UK origin feedstocks.
Of the 2,313 million litres equivalent of renewable fuel verified so far in 2020, biodiesel comprised 61% of supply and bioethanol 23%.
There were also small amounts of other renewable fuels including biomethanol, biomethane, off-road biodiesel and biopropane.
Waste feedstocks made up over three-quarters (76%) of all verified renewable fuel.
Waste feedstocks was used more in biodiesel production (91%) than in bioethanol production (27%).
The majority (54%) of all verified renewable fuel was produced from used cooking oil (UCO), which is used in several different types of renewable fuel. UCO comprised 75% of biodiesel.
For bioethanol, the most common feedstock was corn (31%). Corn-based bioethanol comprised 7% of total renewable fuel.
Of the 293 million litres equivalent of verified renewable fuel produced from UK origin feedstock, the most common by feedstock and fuel type was bioethanol from wheat (73.7 million litres, 25% of renewable fuel from UK origin feedstock).
The most common source of biodiesel from UK origin feedstock was used cooking oil (62 million litres, 21% of renewable fuel from UK origin feedstock).

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