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Tri-State enters ethanol production deal

Tenaska BioFuels (TBF) has signed a two-year tolling arrangement with Tri-State Financial. The arrangement will allow ethanol production to resume at Tri-State's North Country Ethanol facility in Rosholt, South Dakota, US.

Under the agreement, TBF will purchase corn and natural gas, which Tri-State will use to produce ethanol and distillers grains. TBF will own all materials processed at the 26 million gallon facility and will market the plant's ethanol. The company will also market the co-products to local, national and export markets.

North Country Ethanol operated from 2005 to 2008, when the recession caused it to close and enter bankruptcy proceedings. The plant is expected to restart before the end of November.

The agreement with Tri-State is
TBF's second tolling arrangement with a biofuels processing plant. The company recently entered a similar partnership with Prairie Pride, a soyabean processor in Missouri.

‘Tolling arrangements are a time-tested energy industry model that we are successfully applying to agricultural processes,’ Dave Neubauer, TBF’s general manager, comments.

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