Tereos signs Deinove ethanol deal
Based in Paris Deinove will supply its bacterial processes for bioethanol production to be tested and validated at the Tereos group’s BENP Lillebonne factory with a view to subsequent commercial production of bioethanol via bacterial fermentation of feed grain. The project further partners with Syral, a subsidiary of Tereos.
Lillebonne will receive a licence for industrial application. The agreement forms part of the €21.4 million Deinol project, which has received €8.9 million in funding from the Strategic Industrial Innovation programme run by the French state innovation agency OSEO. As project leader Deinove will receive €6 million in funding.
By 2014 Deinol project’s goal is to open up new pathways for lignocellulosic ethanol production in existing industrial installations and without the need for large additional investment.
‘This major agreement demonstrates that the breakthrough technologies based on our bacterial cell factories are rooted in industrial reality,’ Deinove CEO Jacques Biton says.
Tereos specialises in the primary processing of sugar beet, sugarcane and cereals, production of bioethanol, by-products used for animal feed and power generation. The group has expanded over the last twenty years with over 12,000 French farmers. Its 33 production facilities in Europe, South America and Africa offer long-term outlets for 900,000 hectares of cultivated farmland.