Swedavia incentivises airlines using SAF
Swedavia is continuing its Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) Incentive Programme during 2021 to support airlines operating scheduled and charter traffic at any Swedavia airport.
Swedavia supports up to 50% of the premium cost for neat SAF for approved applications.
The lower limit for Swedavia is to support with SEK 125,000 (€12,223), which makes the minimum premium cost SEK 250 000 (€24,446) for an airline group. The maximum support from Swedavia to an airline group is SEK6 million (€590,000) until September 1, after which the limitation is waived.
The total fund available for use during this year is SEK 20 million (€2 million). An airline group interested in participating in the incentive programme must contact Swedavia before any purchase with a completed application.
Based on the application and the remaining funds in the SAF Incentive Programme, Swedavia will make a decision and reserve the decided funding from the sustainable aviation fuel programme.