Sunflower feedstock production declines in Germany

According to preliminary information by the German Federal Statistical Office, German farmers harvested around 134,200 tonnes of sunflower seed in 2024.
This was down just over 21% on the previous year. The decline is mainly based on a 25% decline in production area compared to the previous year to 51,400 hectares.
According to research by Agrarmarkt Informations-Gesellschaft, all German federal states recorded reductions, with Hesse and Lower Saxony seeing the sharpest declines. Brandenburg remains the leading sunflower seed producing state in Germany, with 16,500 hectares under sunflowers despite a 23% drop from the previous year.
The expected yield increases did not fully offset the substantial reduction in area planted. Yields are estimated at 26.1 decitonnes per hectare, nearly 6% higher than the previous year. The main factors driving this increase were sufficient rainfall and mild temperatures during the summer, and relatively dry conditions at harvest time.
For many years, the sunflower area in Germany hovered around 20,000 to 22,000 hectares. However, in the wake of the Russian war against Ukraine, it expanded to a record 86,000 hectares.
From the perspective of the Union zur Förderung von Oel- und Proteinpflanzen e. V. (UFOP), the reduction in sunflower area is understandable because the temporarily overheated producer prices have dipped back to normal levels and farmers have increasingly switched back to winter-planted crops with expected higher contribution margins.
Nevertheless, this year's level reflects farmers' growing interest in producing this summer crop.
To stabilise this development, traders and processors need to offer medium-term production and delivery contracts. Increased consultation efforts and the implementation of demonstration projects could also help push this development forward.
According to the association, this is the only way to establish the sunflower market in Germany at a permanently higher level.