Sudan to launch first ethanol plant
Situated within the KSC complex, 250km south of Khartoum, the plant is expected to produce about 61 million litres a year of alcohol from molasses made in the country.
The plant was built by Brazil's Dedini Industrias de Base.
KSC is contracted to supply 5 million litres a year of ethanol to the UK.
Around $800 million (€620 million) has been invested in the overall KSC project, largely sugar plantations and sugar mills, with funds from several governments including Sudan, Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Kuwait, and Japan.
KSC exports most of its sugarcane to the Middle East.
In July 2008 the Sudanese government invited Brazilian ethanol facility contractors such as Dedini to build as many as 18 sugarcane ethanol plants in the African country.
‘We have plans to expand the production of sugar and want Brazil to help us with this,’ Sudan's vice-secretary for foreign affairs, Mutrif Saddig, comments.