Solarig to set up SAF plant in Spain with €780m investment

The plant will be built in Parque Empresarial del Medio Ambiente (PEMA) in Soria, Spain.
Additionally, Solarig will have its new regional corporate headquarters in one of the dedicated dome buildings currently under construction.
The SAF plant will have an estimated investment of €780 million and a production capacity of 60,000 tonnes of sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) per year, avoiding the emission of 170,000 tonnes of CO₂.
The innovative approach is based on the combination of two technological routes for the SAF production, by means of biomethane and renewable electricity in the same facility.
The plant will promote the circularity and use of local resources (sun, wind, water) and farming waste (biomethane and biogenic CO2), improving rural development and competitiveness.
Miguel Ángel Calleja, president and CEO of Solarig, said: “A few months ago, Solarig launched the development of a biomethane strategy in Castilla y León, and today Solarig is announcing a pioneering project in the world with a fully circular approach.
“It involves the use and recovery of biogas produced from our agricultural and livestock waste together with renewable resources - water, wind and sun. By combining these local resources with the latest technology, Solarig will be able to join the sustainable fuel economy that is now emerging. I firmly believe that this initiative will allow us to retain enormous added value at the local level, generate quality jobs and boost economic growth in Castilla y Leó.”
Alfonso Fernández Mañueco, president of the Regional Government of Castilla y León, added: “Solarig’s commitment to Soria highlights its potential as an investment destination and a source of quality employment, and the province is set to be an example of sustainable economic growth.
“This project, which has been presented today, responds to the regional government’s objective of harnessing the region’s energy potential and turning it into a source of wealth and employment, and is aligned with sustainable progress, the circular economy, respect for the environment and the energy transition towards decarbonisation.”