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Siouxland Energy gets green light from US EPA to generate D3 RINs from cellulosic ethanol

Edeniq, a US-based cellulosic technology company, and Siouxland Energy have announced that the US Environmental Protection Agency has approved Siouxland Energy’s registration of its 60 million gallon per year (MGPY) corn ethanol plant for generation of D3 RINs from cellulosic ethanol.

Siouxland Energy is the fourth plant to receive a cellulosic ethanol registration from the EPA after deploying Edeniq’s Pathway Technology.

Edeniq’s registered customers now total 400 MGPY of nameplate ethanol capacity and are averaging 1% cellulosic ethanol. Over the next year, Edeniq expects to significantly increase average customer cellulosic ethanol production through ongoing technology enhancements that are being refined and introduced to customers as early as the third quarter of 2017.

“We are excited to be among the leaders in cellulosic ethanol production and expect a substantial boost to our profitability,” said Jeff Altena, Siouxland Energy’s operations director.

“Edeniq has continued to meet all of our expectations, beginning with the Cellunator installation we completed in the fourth quarter of last year and continuing through the EPA D3 RIN registration process.”

According to Edeniq, it “Pathway Technology” is the “lowest-cost solution” for producing and measuring cellulosic ethanol from corn kernel fibre utilising existing fermenters at corn ethanol plants, and has already proven up to a 2.5% cellulosic ethanol yield.

Cellulosic gallons are eligible for D3 RINs once approved by the EPA. Pathway, which also increases corn oil production, can be deployed with or without Edeniq’s Cellunator technology. When deployed alone, it is a zero-capex technology solution. “We would like to thank the Siouxland Energy team for their collaborative approach to our partnership,” said Cam Cast, chief operating officer of Edeniq.

Cast added: “We would also like to thank the EPA for prioritizing Siouxland Energy’s D3 RIN registration. Over the past nine months, the EPA has registered our first four customers, and we are looking forward to helping many more plants move through the process this year.”

“Edeniq has a number of additional plant customers already in the registration process with the EPA,” noted Brian Thome, president and CEO of Edeniq. “The value that our Pathway Technology can bring to a plant is tremendous, especially when you consider that it can be accomplished without the need of additional capex. Our focus has now turned to broad operational deployment and further improvements that are coming, and it has been through the efforts of our entire team, and especially customers like Siouxland Energy, in helping achieve the successes we’re realising.”

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