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Remaining positive with bioethanol

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Ethanol leaders in the US are upbeat and determined concerning their industry’s achievements and potential.
This, despite, once again, having to petition the White House to secure summertime freedom of use for E15 while also working to gain greater public recognition of ethanol’s strength as a positive force in the drive towards net-zero.
The march towards November’s presidential election in the US is already shining a light on the polarisation of opinions across the country, including energy.
In what promises to be a bitter contest for the keys to the White House, the fossil versus renewable debate appears relatively mild in terms of flashpoint potential.
It is a debate, nevertheless, that industry leaders need to win rather than lose, no matter who claims the presidential prize.
Policy goals
“New and emerging policies that reward or require decarbonisation, both here in the US and internationally, present real opportunities for the industry,” Geoff Cooper, Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) president and CEO, told Biofuels International.
“Seizing these opportunities, however, will require ethanol...

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