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Palm oil dominated biofuel feedstock in quota year

Palm oil was the most important vegetable oil raw material for the production of biodiesel and hydrogenated vegetable oil (HVO) in the quota year 2021 for offsetting against the GHG quota obligation.
According to the evaluation report 2021 published in December 2022 by the Federal Agency for Agriculture and Food (BLE), 1.318 million tonnes of the raw materials certified under EU law (RED II) came from Asia. Among these, palm oil dominated with 0.992 million tonnes.
The Union for the Promotion of Oil and Protein Plants (UFOP) expects the share of palm oil to halve in the completed quota year 2022. Total sales are estimated at about 2.5 million tonnes.
This expectation is based on the statutory limit in Germany of 0.9% of final energy consumption in transport for offsetting against the GHG quota obligation.
From UFOP's point of view, it is primarily rapeseed oil from European cultivation that will have to close the demand gap. This applies in particular to the period from 2023 to 2030. Since 1 January, palm oil-based biofuels have been excluded from offsetting, well ahead of the phase-out by 2030 prescribed by EU law.
Other EU member states (France, Sweden, Belgium and Austria) have already implemented this exclusion.

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