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New research released on safety of hauling biofuels by rail in Iowa

The US state of Iowa’s Department of Transportation has released a new study that assesses potential risks of the transportation by rail of crude oil and biofuels around and through the state.

It also proposes measures to address those risks.

In a statement, the DOT said the year-long study is thought to be the first of its kind in the nation and covered four main topic areas: prevention of spills, preparedness in the event of a spill, response to an incident, and recovery from an incident.

The research assessed the risk rail shipments of crude oil and biofuels present to each county. Among those facing a high risk are Linn, Johnson, Benton, Black Hawk, and Dubuque counties.

The study's authors said that does not mean there is a greater likelihood of a spill in those counties. Instead, it indicates where prevention efforts are needed most. In eastern Iowa, only Jones and Howard counties were assessed to have no risk because no railroads carrying crude oil and/or biofuels pass through those counties.

The study came up with 23 findings, including the need for counties and cities to have in place written evacuation plans if a train were to derail or rupture.

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