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NBB responds to Trump’s Executive Order 13777

The US National Biodiesel Board (NBB) has submitted comments to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in response to President Trump’s Executive Order 13777, “Enforcing the Regulatory Reform Agenda”. The order called for input on regulations that might be in need of repeal, replacement or modification – and was issued with the intention of highlighting and targeting burdensome legislation.

NBB’s comments to the EPA are designed to make it easier to administer the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) program and increase support for biofuels. They provided comment on five subjects:

  1. Funding for additional guidance and compliance assistance
  2. RFS implementing regulations
  3. The proposed Renewable Enhancement and Growth Support rule
  4. Product Transfer Documents
  5. Vehicle regulations

In particular, the NBB requests that the EPA clearly define heating oil for biodiesel, raise the threshold for upward delegation of RIN assignments, provide funding for additional guidance and compliance assistance, reconsider the CARBIO program, and maintain or increase RFS volume requirements.

“NBB welcomes the opportunity to provide constructive feedback on ways to further improve the successful, working RFS program. These suggestions would lighten the load of overburdened EPA staff and streamline some burdensome processes for participants of the program. Taken together, these adjustments would continue to support the growing biodiesel industry,” said Anne Steckel, NBB’s vice president of federal affairs.

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