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NBB positive about Censky's appointment to Department of Agriculture

The US National Biodiesel Board (NBB) has reacted positively to the confirmation of Stephen Censky to be the US’ Deputy of Agriculture.

Censky has substantial experience in both the soybean and biodiesel industries, something which the NBB’s CEO, Donnell Rehagen, believes makes him well suited to the new role.

“Congratulations to Steve on his confirmation to be Deputy Secretary of Agriculture,” Rehagen said in the NBB statement. “Steve’s decades of experience in soybeans and biodiesel will serve the agency well. He’s a proven, successful executive, known for providing a clear vision for the agricultural industry and being a tireless advocate for America’s farmers. We wish him the best in this new endeavor,”

For 21 years Censky has been the CEO of the American Soybean Association (ASA), a member of the NBB. As ASA’s top executive, Censky is in charge of managing ASA’s legislative, trade policy, international market development, communications and leaderships development programmes. He has also previously had several appointments in the Department of Agriculture.

NBB is the trade association representing the biodiesel and renewable diesel industries, including producers, feedstock suppliers and fuel distributors. 

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