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Malaysia aims to implement B20 biodiesel mandate by end of 2022

Malaysia intends to implement its nationwide adoption of the B20 palm oil biofuel programme by the end of the year, the country's palm oil board has announced.
The mandate to manufacture biofuel with a 20% palm oil component - known as B20 - for the transport sector was first rolled out in January 2020 but faced delays due to movement curbs imposed to contain coronavirus outbreaks, Reuters reported.
"We will do it stage-by-stage basis depending on the government's financial capabilities," Ravi Muthayah, the commodities ministry's secretary general said during a seminar.
Palm oil is a key driver of Malaysia’s agriculture and agro-based sectors, generating approximately $91.4 billion (€19 billion) in export revenue and sold in more than 180 countries between January and November 2021.
According to Plantation Industries and Commodities Minister Zuraida Kamaruddin, the palm oil industry was a strong, resilient and innovative industry that is of strategic importance to the country.
“Malaysia has steadfastly worked towards promoting the important message that palm oil is a nutritious and affordable food for all.
“Our scientists – who have also collaborated with renowned research institutions worldwide – continue to explore new technologies to ensure that the industry remains dynamic, spawns high-income jobs and entrepreneurial opportunities, as well as raises export earnings,” she said.
She added that the Government was striving to establish a zero-waste industry that was highly sustainable, well-regulated and mindful of the needs of its end-users and workers.

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