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‘Leading by example on world stage’

Craig Willis, the senior vice president for global markets at Growth Energy and the Climate Ethanol Alliance, has outlined what the organisation’s prospects for the next 12 months will be like.
He began by saying that President Joe Biden has promised to open a new chapter in US trade talks around the world, which is welcome news.
He said: “The goal is to ease tensions and return to a more multilateral approach to opening new markets for US exports.
“At the same time, we can expect the new administration to take a measured approach, working with trading partners like China to ensure that commitments made over the last four years remain in force.
“That includes the new the US-Mexico- Canada Agreement (USMCA), which renewed US bonds with two of the most important markets for American exports. For biofuel producers, the stakes are high.
“According to the latest reports from the USDA Foreign Agricultural Service, export markets for US ethanol and distillers are picking up, despite the lingering effects of COVID-19 on global demand.
“Last October, the US exported 126.52 million gallons of ethanol and 951,500 tonnes of distillers grains, up from both the previous month and when compared to the same period in 2019. Among those exports, Canada was the top destination for ethanol, accepting 35.56 million gallons, and Mexico was the top destination for distillers grains, at 180,650 tonnes.
“Building up these markets remains one of Growth Energy’s top priorities. Thanks to our pioneering work with Prime the Pump, the relationships we have built over the last decade with an unmatched network of retail partners has given us a powerful tool to do just that.
“In November, Casey’s stepped up to the plate in North America to encourage policies that support higher ethanol blends. A leading E15 retailer, Casey’s dispatched its vice president of fuels, Nathaniel Doddridge, to join us for a presentation to approximately 170 Mexican retailers and government officials at a workshop sponsored by the Mexican Retailer Service Station Association (AMPES).
“During the event, Doddridge helped paint a picture for retailers south of the border, which are eager to meet consumer demand for clean, affordable fuelling options. A nationwide transition to E10 in China, India, Canada, Mexico, Japan, and Indonesia would create a combined potential of 7.6 billion gallons of new ethanol demand.
“Mexico alone could offer a 1.2 billion gallon growth opportunity at an E10 blend. In Canada, the bar is climbing higher, with E15. The decision is a win for US farmers and biofuel producers alike.
“But we recognise that trade negotiations and regulatory victories are just the first step.
“Bringing biofuels into new markets means establishing new partners in the retail community who understand the value proposition of ethanol blends, which help attract customers, reduce prices, and protect human health from air pollution.
“That is why we are grateful to Casey’s and our other retail champions for working with Growth Energy to educate new leaders and build confidence in the market potential of renewable fuels.”

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