It starts with enzymes

In 2020, total biofuel consumption peaked at 122 million tons representing a 35% increase on 20181, and between 2021-2026, global demand for these fuels is expected to rise by another 30%.2
A key factor underpinning this growth is the introduction of advanced biofuels like Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil (HVO), which, unlike traditional biodiesels, can be used as a ‘drop-in’ alternative to fossil fuels.
All this activity is driving a construction boom for vegetable oil-refining plants generally and more specifically specialised HVO production facilities, but there are clouds on the horizon.
Fresh opportunities, finite resources
Globally, there are at least 30 biomass conversion facilities – producing bio-oil, biogas, diesel-type hydrocarbons, diesel with biogenic content and HVO – in various stages of planning and at least a further seven already under construction.
However, this growing number of building...