Iowa bill paves way for greater E15 usage across state
This legislation offers E15 statewide by 2026 and update the E15 promotion tax credit to $0.09 (€0.08) per gallon year-round through 2025.
Research shows that statewide E15 in Iowa could cut climate emissions by 180,000 metric tonnes, the equivalent of removing almost 40,000 vehicles off the road across the state.
Growth Energy CEO Emily Skor applauded the bill’s passage adding: “The bipartisan passage of the Biofuel Access Bill in the Iowa State House is an exciting development in the move toward statewide E15 and in Iowa’s leadership in increasing access to higher blends of biofuels.
“Statewide access to higher blends of biofuels means that all drivers across Iowa will have the opportunity to choose fuel that is good for their engine, good for their pocketbook, and one that benefits the community around them. We thank Speaker Pat Grassley, Majority Leader Matt Windschitl, and Chairman Lee Hein for working hard to support biofuels and get this legislation one step closer to becoming law.”
The 2022 Biofuel Access Bill was introduced by Governor Reynolds on January 24 and Growth Energy supported its introduction. The bill now moves to the Senate for consideration.