High school students visit Minnesota ethanol plant
Students from Kerkhoven-Murdock-Sunburg (KMS) High School in Minnesota, US, visited the Chippewa Valley Ethanol Co. plant recently to get a better understanding of how clean home-grown renewable energy is produced.
The students, which included three exchange students from an agricultural high school in Norway, toured the various processes of ethanol production at CVEC, which has an annual output of 50 million gallons.
“Ethanol production plays an important role in boosting the economy in rural Minnesota and tours like these highlight the necessary skills to pursue a career in the ethanol industry,” said Chad Friese, CEO of CVEC.
The students, from grades nine to 12, learned of several different components of ethanol production during the tour, including incoming grain grading, grain handling, fermentation, grain storage, dried distillers’ grain production and storage, ethanol storage, and shipment.
The tour was organised by the Minnesota Bio-Fuels Association, of which CVEC, which recently celebrated its 20th anniversary, is a member.
“Today’s visit is the sixth plant tour we’ve organised this year. It’s important for students to understand how ethanol produced right here in Benson creates jobs, reduces harmful greenhouse gas emissions and reduces prices at the pump,” said Tim Rudnicki, executive director of the Minnesota Bio-Fuels Association.
Christa Williamson, KMS High School’s agricultural education instructor, said many of the students that participated in the tour were from farms that supply corn to Minnesota’s ethanol industry.
“The ethanol industry is an important component of agriculture, especially in West Central Minnesota. It is important to show our students the potential jobs, as well as how commodities we grow provide energy,” she said.