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Growth Energy vouches for higher ethanol blends after pipeline leak leaves US petrol pumps dry

US ethanol trade association Growth Energy is calling for higher ethanol blends to be introduced in the aftermath a petrol pipeline leak that has left the pumps dry on many stations.

A 9 September leak in the Colonial pipeline, which supplies petrol to many states in the southeast and east coast of the US has resulted not only in petrol shortages, but also price spikes at the pump.

The states of Alabama, Georgia, Tennessee, and both North and South Carolina have been affected by the leak that caused between 250,000 and 336,000 gallons of fuel to escape.

Colonial Pipeline’s petroleum transport terminal manager Tommy Lowe says the company’s Greensboro tank farm is practically empty.

“We're looking at a week to 10 days before the product will actually get here. And it's going to take a period of time when the product gets here to get the tank levels back up. We're looking at roughly two weeks to get things back to normal,” Lowe told Time Warner Cable News.

Emily Skor, CEO of Growth Energy, said in a statement that the accident is a “sobering reminder” of the importance of biofuels in the US fuel supply.

“While ethanol is already in 97% of the nation's fuel supply, the widespread adoption of increased blends, such as E15 across the nation, can help blunt the severity of these supply shortages and price shocks.

"Currently consumers are facing growing lines to fill up their cars and are paying more due to this one incident. This just reinforces how dangerous our singular dependence on petrol is and why increased blends must be added to our nation's fuel mix to ensure stability and savings."

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