Green biomass project a step closer
UK-based MGT Power plans to build a 295 megawatt (MW) wood-fuelled power station at Teesport, which received Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) consent from the Marine and Fisheries Agency (MFA).
This formal consent together with its associated licences enables PD Ports, owner of the port, to proceed with the construction of the new 260 metre long berth, which is an integral part of MGT Power’s Tees Renewable Energy Plant development at the Port.
The new berth will accommodate vessels up to 240 metres long and 38 metres wide, accommodating the world’s largest modern woodchip carrier vessels and providing MGT Power with considerable freight flexibility. The berth will bring the 2.4 million tonnes of woodchip each year, required to fuel the new power station.
The project will bring over £500 million (€558.9 million) of investment into the local area during its three-year construction period, meaning 600 construction jobs followed by 150 onsite jobs for up to 40 years.
Once operational in late 2012, the plant will save 1.2 million tonnes of carbon dioxide a year and will account for 5.5% of the UK’s renewable electricity target.