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German survey reveals positive attitudes towards biofuels

A total of 65% of Germans have a positive attitude towards biofuels, a new survey has discovered.
The work was recently carried out by Kantar market research institute on behalf of the biofuels industry.
About 70% of respondents said they would use biofuels in their vehicles provided that production was sustainable and that greenhouse gases were cut by at least 60% compared with mineral oil.
The research also determined that 43% of participants expected biofuels to become increasingly significant in combating climate change in the years to come.
“If more than two-thirds of Germans are in favour of biofuels, policymakers must take this into account and gear up the use of sustainable biofuels in road transport in order to achieve the climate targets. Most Germans see a mix of drive concepts as the best approach,” Norbert Schindler, chairman of the German Bioethanol Industry Association said.
“Politicians must not ignore these significant data on public attitudes to transport policy and climate change.”
A total of 43% of those surveyed believed that in five to 10 years’ time biofuels would also become increasingly significant in combating global warming.
UFOP chairman Detlef Kurreck said: “The study confirms the particular importance of regional sourcing for public acceptance of cultivated biomass. Fodder cereals, rapeseed and sugar beet are grown for this purpose on some 850,000 hectares across Germany, making them an important alternative source of income for local farmers.
“The survey presented here confirms the nuanced appraisal of feedstock originating in Germany and the climate and environmental protection benefits.”

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