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Fuelling growth: How elemental analysis can help address biomass demand

In light of today’s concerns about climate change and generating clean energy, there has been increased discussion involving alternative fuels such as biodiesel. Biodiesel, which is derived mainly from vegetable oils and animal fats, is taking the stage as a popular candidate for replacing petroleum diesel for a variety of well-supported reasons.

Perhaps the most convincing reason is  that the diesel substitute, when burned correctly, produces virtually zero net  carbon dioxide (CO2) due to the recycling effect it has with the atmosphere and the plants from which they were produced.

Another benefit of biodiesel is that it can be safely blended with petroleum diesel, requiring few, if any, changes to existing infrastructure and diesel engines. However, there are concerns regarding whether or not the biofuel will be able to meet growing   energy needs, its efficiency and, of course, cost and  availability. Despite these concerns, the US Federal Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) is demanding increases in production volume for upcoming years. If these demands are met and the chemical properties of biodiesel continue to improve with further research and...

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