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Feedstock availability and aviation demand challenge biofuel adoption in shipping

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As a low-emission alternative fuel with low-CAPEX investment and the potential to expand the operational lifespan of large portions of the world fleet, biofuels may have an important role to play in shipping’s decarbonisation, but feedstock availability and demand competition from other transport sectors pose challenges that will need to be addressed for widespread adoption, finds Lloyd’s Register’s (LR) new Fuel for Thought: Biofuel report.
The report points to biofuels as a path to compliance with environmental regulations for ships for which retrofits to adopt other future fuels are not economically feasible. As ‘drop-in’ replacements for traditional fuels, biofuels require minimal changes to machinery and operations and offer GHG emissions savings of up to 84% compared to traditional fuels.

The similarities between biofuels and their fossil equivalents, as well as the ability to blend biofuels with traditional fuels, makes adopting biofuels a comparatively straightforward process for shipowners compared to other...

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