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European ethanol hits major targets in global fight against climate change

ePURE, the European renewable ethanol association, has found that the use of European ethanol has contributed to a staggering 70% of greenhouse-gas reduction in 2017. The statistic is part of a larger movement to reduce Europe’s carbon footprint, one which has seen success each year since 2011.

Emmanuel Desplechin, Secretary General of ePURE explains: “for the sixth year in a row, European renewable ethanol has increased its climate-change-fighting performance. The new data confirm that ethanol produced from European crops and from waste and residues are among the most sustainable solutions the EU has to decarbonise transport. As policymakers look at how to realise Europe’s clean mobility ambitions, they need to make sure ethanol is in the mix.”

According to additional data sourced by ePURE, there was also a notable increase in the production of animal feed (4.32 million tonnes in 2017 over 4.05 million in 2016) and of captured CO2 (0.77 million tonnes in 2017 over 0.40 million in 2016).

These results have been complemented by a recent study from Ricardo Energy & Environment which details the need for ethanol to become a major component in the process of decarbonising transport throughout Europe.

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