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EU rapeseed imports decline

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Rapeseed imports to the EU were lower in the first quarter of the running crop year compared with a year ago.
The end of the grain export agreement and the import ban EU neighbouring countries imposed on imports of Ukrainian goods have made an impact.
Since the beginning of the crop year, rapeseed imports to EU-27 states have amounted to 1.23 million tonnes, which was down just less than 38% on the same period last year.
Ukraine remains the most important country of origin, with exports amounting to 683,000 tones (1 July to 15 October) and a 55% share of imports.
According to Agrarmarkt Informations-Gesellschaft, EU imports are set to fall well short of last year's level of 1.3 million tonnes in total.
This is due to Russia's withdrawal from the grain export agreement in mid-July this year.
Since then, Ukrainian goods have to be exported via alternative routes such as road, rail or the Danube river. Consequently, freight charges have risen significantly.
The alternative routes are being expanded continuously, and Brussels supports speedy completion. However, at the same time, the import ban imposed by some EU countries prevents more extensive deliveries.
The second most important supplier of rapeseed over the same period was Australia.
Moldova took third place, delivering 181,716 tonnes. The country quadrupled its shipments on the previous year's period.
Most of the rapeseed likely came from Ukraine, since Moldova's own rapeseed harvest this year was only 65,000 tonnes.
This allowed Ukraine to circumvent the EU neighbouring countries' ban on imports.

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