Edeniq calls for final 2018 cellulosic RVOs to be forward looking
The president and CEO of Edeniq, Brian Thome, has submitted written comments to the US Environmental Protection Agency on its proposed rule to set the 2018 cellulosic renewable volume obligations (RVOs) under the federal Renewable Fuel Standard.
Thome urges the EPA to ensure that final 2018 cellulosic RVOs are set based on forward-looking methodology that considers increasing cellulosic ethanol production from plants that are using proven, commercial technologies.
According to Thome, the EPA must consider the distinction between proven technologies, such as Edeniq’s, and other cellulosic technologies that may face, or may have faced, greater financing or technology risks, to accurately promote and project 2018 cellulosic bioethanol production.
Edeniq has developed a leading process for producing and measuring low-cost cellulosic ethanol. Thome explains in his comments that plants using Edeniq’s technology could produce up to 80 million gallons of quantifiable cellulosic ethanol in 2018, depending on EPA’s timely registration approvals.
With industry and EPA working together to promote and facilitate the cellulosic industry, Thome states in his comments that “the potential quantifiable cellulosic ethanol production using a technology like Edeniq’s is measured in the hundreds of millions of gallons range, if not more.”
A statement from Edeniq summarises: “…the RFS is working as Congress intended to promote investment, development and growth of the production and use of increasing quantities of cellulosic biofuels in the US transportation supply. It is crucial for EPA to implement the RFS to continue this tremendous potential for the cellulosic industry, and in-turn for the increased energy independence and security of the country.