Don’t waste – invest
The company has been investing in next-generation technology and has been operating an innovative BDI RepCAT process plant since the beginning of this year.
ENVIEN purchased a running biodiesel plant in Hungary and two weak points within the plant soon became evident.
Firstly, the feedstock flexibility was limited to used cooking oil only.
Customers’ requests for additionally supplies of biodiesel could not be met because of extremely poor quality of waste oils and fats with a high FFA content.
Additionally, there was no by-product line installed to process the glycerin phase from the transesterification line.
G-phase and soapy water had to be disposed of resulting in valuable glycerin as well as methanol and fatty acids being lost.
Consequently, there was room for improvement as well as increased profitability at the plant.
New partnership
A competent partner was sought for the construction of an additional new...