CEZ hits biomass co-firing high
At four thermal facilities, the Hodonin power plant, the Porici power plant, the Tisova power plant and the Dvur Kralove heating plant, more than 363,000 tonnes of biomass were burned, despite some problems with delivery of biomass at the beginning of 2009.
As part of strategy to increase the use of biomass, the 30 MWe Hodonin plant was switched to run exclusively on biomass this year, using 1,200 tonnes a day.
The plant, which is the company’s largest such facility, supplies heat across the international border to a town in Slovakia. From a total annual heat production of 800,000 GJ it supplies 120,000 GJ to its neighbour.
An increase in production capacity at the recently refurbished Hodonin installation increased the interim production by almost 19%, producing more than 177 GWh.
Furthermore, following the developments at Hodonin, CEZ says that the power plants in Tisova and Porici should also subsequently undergo modifications to enable the use of increasing volumes biomass.
‘The broad objective is an achievement of the level of 700 GWh produced from biomass annually in the horizon of several years within operations of the CEZ Group in the Czech Republic. The power plant in Hodonín should contribute with one third,’ Dusan Timko, director of the organisational unit of heating plants, explains.