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Biofuels cut C02 emissions in Uruguay by 7%

Through increased use of biofuels in the transport sector, Uruguay has achieved a 7% annual reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, according to a statement from the South American country’s government.

In addition to using biodiesel and bioethanol as a substitute for gasoil and naphtha, emissions are reduced by 60-70%. The figures come from a study commissioned by Alcoholes de Uruguay (Alur).

The research suggests that when biodiesel is used as a substitute for oil based diesel, greenhouse gas emissions are reduced by 70%, while bioethanol reduces emissions by 66%.

“These results demonstrate the sustainability of biofuels as it relates to the reduction of greenhouse gases,” said Dario Rodriguez, hear of the Alur Research and Development area.

Rodriguez said that based on these figures, in 2016, 270,000 tons of carbon dioxide were prevented from being emitted to the environment, a figure equivalent to 7% of the country’s total emissions.

According to the government statement, the results show that Uruguay is on course to meet its obligations under the Paris Climate Agreement, which set a target of a 15% reduction in the consumption of petroleum-derived fuels in transport.

The study was carried out by the Centre for Energy, Environmental and Technological Research of Spain, at the request of Alur and the National Energy Directorate, with the support of the National Research and Innovation Agency.

Alur produces bioethanol from sugar cane at the Bella Unión agroindustrial complex in Artigas, at its Paysandú plant the company uses sorghum to make bioethanol and in Montevideo biodiesel is obtained based on soybean oil and canola oil and oil used for frying.

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