Volume 17, Issue 2
Published: March 6, 2023
Powering ahead with alternative fuels
Money and demand is coming together for European biofuels....
On the road to greater biodiesel usage
The First European B+ Summit aims to address the key role of high biodiesel blends in the short, mid and long-term decarbonisation of heavy-duty vehicles....
The role of biofuels in the energy transition
Factors signalling continued growth
Chevron Renewable Energy Group outlines what this year has in store for renewable fuels....
Impressive track record
FTC outlines the work it does in the filtration and separation sectors....
Collaboration is the key ingredient driving shipping's decarbonisation
In the palm of your hand
The Malaysian Palm Oil Council argues that the EU exclusion of palm-based biofuel will result in the failure of its ambitions to decarbonise....
Ramping up SAF production
Air bp’s global head of sustainability, Andreea Moyes, on the role of co-processing inaviation’s transition to a low-carbon future....
Being resourceful to meet growing demand
The biofuel industry has become an emerging market, providing a multitude of alternative energy sources that can one day power everyone’s lives....
Working towards a green future
Operations manager Marko Leinonen ensures that the biofuel production at UPM Lappeenranta biorefinery runs optimally and safely....