Volume 13, Issue 3
Published: May 23, 2019
Part of the climate solution
US ethanol industry plans for growing market share at home and abroad are up against some stiff political headwinds — from the uncertainty and export hurdles created by trade wars to mismanagement...
Setting standards
A critical element that supports the growth of the biofuels industry is the development of accurate fuel specifications, says Kristy Moore, advisor at industry association Growth Energy. These specifications...
Federal policies impact the US biodiesel industry
For most of 2019, advocacy in the nation’s capital has been our association’s main focus, writes Donnell Rehagen, CEO of the National Biodiesel Board. Our top priority: the reinstatement of...
Biofuel feedstocks Trumped
Biomass-based diesel has found its pricing fundamentals once again hostage to developments outside its control across the international markets, with US President Trump’s trade manoeuvering versus...
Steady course
Producer margins for soy methyl ester (SME) biodiesel at US plants continue to move sharply higher amid a bulging supply of feedstock, although spot SME biodiesel prices were easing in the US midway through...
US ethanol 'roller-coaster' faces a big year
There’s really no escaping international politics in the US at present, especially for businesses with softening domestic opportunities and that had been looking towards customers in China as a good...
Special requirements
Numerous biodiesel production facilities have been built in Europe over the past few years and KSB has been a key supplier, having installed several thousand pumps. The different processes employed to...
Fuelling a circular economy
Imagine giving your living room a makeover using a bright new coat of paint – made from rubbish. As countries around the world look for ways to transition from a linear economy to a circular economy,...
New technologies for biowaste valorisation
In order to support the most adequate management and valorisation routes of urban biowaste, the Biomass Department of the National Renewable Energy Centre of Spain (CENER) is aligned with and supports...
The key to verification
Understanding the changes to California’s Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS) verification process is important for all ethanol and biodiesel producers, even if you do not currently sell fuels in California....
An open door for innovation
What do enzymes do? Why do we need them? Enzymes can be defined as any of a group of complex proteins or conjugated proteins that are produced by living cells and act as catalysts in specific biochemical...
Scaling up production
Enzymatic hydrolysis of pre-treated lignocellulosic feedstocks is one of the most complex enzymatic processes applied on production scale today. It is not the conversion of a single, well-defined substrate...
Automated tube bundle cleaning
As the importance of safety and production in the ethanol industry is being recognised, the need for automated tooling for cleaning is in high demand. The current process of cleaning ethanol evaporators,...
Optimising fermentation
First-generation ethanol production has exhibited stable compounded annual growth for the last two decades, exemplified by the tenfold growth in production and fourfold expansion of production plants in...