Volume 1, Issue 2
Published: May 1, 2007
Promises, Promises: Biodiesel delivers on its promises in the US
US National Biodiesel Board comments on the support given to biodiesel.
South Africa's biofuels targets: Will South Africa see a market penetration of 4.5% biofuels by 2013?
In a document released by the South African Government at the end of last year, the programme for developing a biofuels industry is outlined for discussion by stakeholders. In essence, the Government wants...
Europe begins the biofuels race
Biofuels have slowly become part of the landscape in Europe- not only in the countryside as fields have been turned to produce biofuel feedstock - but also at filling station forecourts where drivers are...
Food versus fuel - could non-food oils offer the solution?
With climate change climbing up the political agenda, the biofuels industry has looked set to enjoy a boom.
Logistical problems of handling cellulosic ethanol
As the ethanol industry shifts from traditional feedstocks, such as corn, to cellulosic biomass, producers will need to address possible material compatibility issues for safe and proper handling.
European biofuel distribution - a developing tapestry: Distribution of biofuels is as much as barrier to industry growth as feedstock shortages
Rail-roading Transpetrol: Regional changes in taxation and production capacities are forcing Transpetrol to alter its distribution trends
Germany headquartered rail freight transportation company Transpetrol is one of the major Europeanplayers in the biofuels industry.
Loading the fuel of the future
Today, over 180,000 vehicles use biodiesel. With a distribution of 1.5 million tonnes in 2005, it is arguably the most important and marketable biofuel.
The Renewable Transport Fuel Obligation explained: A spokesperson sitting on the UK Government advisory panel for the RTFO, discusses the ins and outs of the obligation
The Renewable Transport Fuel Obligation (RTFO) legislation is intended to provide the market impetus necessary to deliver large volumes of liquid biofuels into the UK.
Biofuels make sense - but only if they are sustainable: The UK's Minister of Transport, Stephen Ladyman, comments on recent biofuels targets and the impact of the RTFO
Much has been written recently about biofuels and sustainability. Sadly, much of it is wrong. Over the past few months, the government has come in for a fair degree of criticism for moving too far, too...
Californian gold rush: New biofuels initiatives could cause the ethanol demand in California to surge by up to 75%
On average, three unit trains a week, which are typically 100 linked railcars, lumber in from ethanol production facilities in the midwest to Carson City, California, a key supply hub for ethanol in the...
Present-day biofuels are no major concern
Biofuels have been likened to the dotcom boom, an environmental playground for shaky get-rich-quick schemes, and memories of that particular bubble bursting are still painfully fresh for many.
Filtering through: Clear, contaminant-free biofuels, are essential for the smooth running of environmentally friendly engines, but which filtration method is most suitable?
Removing the impurities from raw materials used in biofuel production is a basic requirement in order to eliminate fibrous materials and contaminants.
Keeping pure and dry: Dry washing can enable biodiesel producers to improve fuel quality as well as increasing production volumes, so is ideal for small and medium enterprises
The small/medium biodiesel production sector is rapidly expanding as more production facilities start up and biodiesel increases in popularity.
Fully equipped
With changes to tax laws in many countries favouring biofuels, businesses such as farming and haulage are diversifying into fuel production, sometimes with more enthusiasm than expertise.