
UK transport mix consisted of 8% biofuel, DfT figures reveal

According to the UK’s Department for Transport (DfT) renewable fuels made up of 8.2% of the country’s road transport and non-road mobile machinery fuel mix this year.
Between 1 January and 3 August 1.969 billion litres equivalent of renewable fuels were supplied in the UK, according to Argus Media analysis.
Biodiesel accounted for 39% of total renewable fuels supplied and hydrotreated vegetable oil (HVO) amounted to 11%.
About 16% of biodiesel was made from used cooking oil (UCO), 4% from brown grease, while soapstock acid oil contaminated with sulphur made up 3% of verified biodiesel. Ethanol accounted for 35% of renewable fuels with over 50% being produced from corn, while biomethane and biomethanol accounted for just below 2% of the supplied renewable fuel, respectively.

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