
First delivery of biodiesel from REG’s new terminal location

The first truckload of biodiesel was collected from Renewable energy Group’s (REG) new biodiesel location in California, US this month.

The product was picked up by regional distributor Whole Energy, which has locations in California, Washington and Oregon, following an agreement between REG and terminal owners Maxum Petroleum.

‘Our terminal agreement with Maxum expands the opportunity for West Coast distributors like Whole Energy to blend biodiesel for public and private diesel fleets.’ says REG VP of sales and marketing Gary Haer.

‘We are excited about the opportunities now available in offering biodiesel from the nation’s largest producer in California,’ says Whole Energy's CEO Atul Deshmane. 'We are committed to a multi-region approach for offering biodiesel blends for fleets and consumers who are looking to enhance performance and protect the earth with a sustainable fuel.’

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