Agenda 2025
Day 1
09:00 Welcoming remarks from the Chair
09:15 How regulations such as RefuelEU will support the sustainable aviation fuels market to achieve the EU climate targets by 2030
09:45 Scaling up SAF production
10:15 Networking break
10:45 Insights into the SAF market in the USA and IAG's SAF strategy
11:45 SAF pricing trends and strategies
12:15 Opportunities for hydrogen as a zero carbon emission aviation fuel
12:45 Networking lunch
14:00 The path to successful SAF project delivery
14:15 Airline panel discussion: Comparing aviation decarbonisation strategies and SAF adoption rates including offsetting and SAF offtakes
15:15 Networking break
15:45 Will SAF supply be able to keep up with demand? Global capacity outlook
16:15 Reserved for conference sponsor
16:45 Networking drinks with the Biofuels & Biogas participants
- Enjoy great networking with delegates from all 3 events
Day 2
09:20 Welcoming remarks from the Chair
09:30 The market outlook of SAF
10:00 Importance of creating longterm, binding offtake agreements
10:30 Networking break
11:00 Case study: producing low carbon intensity Sustainable Aviation Fuels
11:30 Infrastructure Development for SAF distribution and storage
12:00 Networking lunch
13:30 Opening remarks from the Chair
13:45 Can SAF feedstock supply keep up with demand? A closer look at advanced feedstocks & their impact on the supply chain
14:15 Alternative feedstocks and opportunities in terms of hybrid bio & eSAF
14:45 Networking break in the exhibition hall
15:00 SAF feedstock availability and the deployment of intermediate crops as new feedstock sources
15:30 Slot reserved for conference sponsor
16:00 End of conference