Agenda 2025
Day 1
09:00 Welcoming remarks from the Chair
09:15 Long term supply & demand forecast for the European biofuels market
09:45 Outlook on Global Renewable Fuel Markets
10:15 Networking break
10:45 Regulatory update: Developments on the EU-ETS
11:45 From Europe’s farms to Europe’s future: How ethanol can help fuel EU strategic autonomy
12:15 Update on RED III
12:45 Networking lunch
14:00 Opening remarks from the Chair
14:45 Biofuels as a key pathway for Maritime decarbonization
15:15 Networking break
15:45 Panel discussion: how are biofuels supporting the decarbonisation of the marine sector?
16:45 Networking drinks with the SAF & Biogas participants
- Enjoy great networking with delegates from all 3 events
Day 2
09:20 Welcoming remarks from the Chair
09:30 Implementation of the Renewable Energy Directive (RED III) across the EU
10:00 Future of biofuels and ticket schemes amid trade restrictions
10:30 Networking break
11:00 Global Feedstock Outlook for Biofuels 2025/26
11:15 In depth panel discussion on how to enhance availability & improve sustainability
12:00 Circular alternatives to fossil fuels and more precisely Solid Recovered Fuels origniating from wastes (solid)
12:15 Networking lunch
13:30 Opening remarks from the Chair
13:45 Technical Analysis of first generation biofuel feedstocks
14:15 How to make advanced biofuels projects more profitable
14:45 Networking break in the exhibition hall
15:10 Case study: decarbonising passenger transport in India
15:30 Pathway to 2030 and beyond
16:00 End of conference